Upcoming Events
Eliyahu ben David bet Midrash

Join Eliyahu and his guests for new weekly midrash discussions of the book of Deuteronomy/Devarim. These weekly studies are live-streamed from Tsiyon Tabernacle. You can participate in an upcoming midrash discussion or view the stream from anywhere you are located and have a connection. You can download the Scripture version we’re using and view the schedule at Tsiyon.net. This study is a line-by-line, verse-by-verse study in the Tsiyon Academy courses. Previous courses are also available examining all of the books of Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and now Deuteronomy) as well as the Gospels and Acts of the Emissaries.
Tsiyon Tabernacle Fellowship
Tsiyon Tabernacle of Greater Austin Texas hosts weekly Sabbath Meetings which you can attend online or in person. If you have been looking for solid, Scripture-based, fellowship, then you are going to want to join us in person, here in the Greater Austin Texas area, or remotely from any where in the world with a internet connection. We also have a discipleship program, for you to grow in your faith; a complete Torah study program; and a leadership program, where you can grow in serving the needs of others. Contact us for more information.
Fast Track
Tsiyon Fast Track is now available as a free, online, course, which you can view at your own pace. To join Tsiyon Fast Track archives-simply log in at Tsiyon.net and click the “Tsiyon Fast Track” logo from the homepage.
Tsiyon Road Radio
Be blessed daily with unique teachings from the Scriptures as well as independent music artists leading you in Praise and Worship on Tsiyon Road Radio. You can TuneIn Tsiyon Road radio via the player on any of our Tsiyon websites or using your favorite Internet Radio app.
Hebraic Insights into the Gospels
Listen to the Hebraic Insights in the Gospels weekly podcast for a look at the life, words, and deeds of Yeshua Messiah and His followers from the Torah-centric, Hebraic perspective they were originally lived and written in. If you’re interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the Hebrew Roots of our faith, or would like to consider a different point of view in your Scripture Studies without getting bogged down in various religious traditions, this is the podcast for you!
You can arrange to visit us and be immersed in our Mikvah. Watch our Mikvah dedication to learn more.
Daily Livestream
We host a daily mega live stream with our top video content available. Visit us online to view our current live stream: https://truthpoint.info/live-stream/ where you can also check the countdown timer until the next livestream. During our daily live-streamed video content you’ll be able to watch 6 to 8 hours of Eliyahu T.V. as we combine Bible-studies and best moments from previous live streams. No log in is required. Anyone can watch. The daily live streamed material changes periodically so be sure to check back for fresh, but timely, content.