Torah Scholarship Opportunity
During the recent covid19 #stayathome orders, Tsiyon Tabernacle of Greater Austin Texas responded to be there meeting the spiritual needs of His people where ever they were located. Our assembly began live-streaming our meetings, offering prayer support and Scripture study. Spiritual support included extending Torah Scholarships to those applicants who were interested in drawing nearer to their Creator during the pandemic and wished to learn more about His mind and get to know Him better. The program was so successful, we are extending it. Apply today for your free-to-you 30-Day Torah scholarship opportunity.
What’s involved? Register as a Tsiyon Tabernacle member, if you haven’t already done so.
Registration is easy:
- Visit and click on Register.
- Simply enter your selected username. Other Tsiyon Tabernacle members will be able to see this and connect with you by referencing your username. You’ll also use it to log into our website.
- Enter your email address. We will send you an email for you to verify your email. That’s it! You’re ready to go. Just login to the website. Then, click on the Torah Course link from the welcome page to get started, once you login.
If you ever need assistance registering, verifying your email address, finding the course or any other information about Tsiyon we have volunteers to help you. Simply click on the help icon at the bottom of the registration page.
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