Tsiyon News: Out of South Africa

Here at Tsiyon HQ we were recently visited by friends from South Africa. They are Hein Zentgraf and his lovely wife, Gerda. Among other interesting things, they operate a Messianic Radio station in South Africa, where they live. We are blessed to provide them with some radio content from our Tsiyon Road radio station, but up until recently, we had only known them via the Internet. Now, I’m glad to say, we know them face to face. I want to tell you more about their visit, but first, here are a few facts about South Africa.
As displayed in the picture above, South Africa is known for its great beauty and its varied topography, including high plateaus, the Drakensberg Mountains, and coastal plains. Over 2000 species of animals abound in South Africa. Numerous mammals include lions, African leopards, South African cheetahs, southern white rhinos, blue wildebeest, kudus, impalas, hyenas, hippopotamuses and South African giraffes. South Africa also houses many endemic species, such as the critically endangered riverine rabbit in the Karoo, among others.
The Republic of South Africa is easy to find on a map because it is the southernmost country in Africa. The country is about 1.22 million square kilometers (roughly 471,000 square miles) in size, with a population of about 65 million people. It is a multi-ethnic country boasting 11 official Languages including Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, and English, and so on.
Not surprisingly, the country is largely peopled by descendants of migrants from other parts of Africa and beyond. For example, around 1,000 BC, Bantu-speaking peoples began migrating into the region from Central and Western Africa, bringing with them iron-working technology and new agricultural practices which were adopted by other groups already there.

It was only a matter of time before the first European explorers rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, and some decided to stay. The Portuguese were the first to do so. The Dutch East India Company established a supply station at Cape Town in 1652. The British took control of the Cape Colony in 1795 and again in 1806.
Conflicts with the Dutch settlers (Boers) and earlier peoples followed. In the 1830s and 1840s, many Boers migrated inland to escape British rule, establishing independent Boer Republics. Diamonds and gold were discovered in 1867 and 1886 respectively. That’s when things started to get more complicated. The new wealth transformed the economy, and everybody wanted a piece of the action, leading to the Anglo-Zulu War and the Anglo-Boer Wars.
Finally, we get to the 20th Century. In 1910, the Union of South Africa was formed as a self-governing dominion of the British Empire, uniting the British colonies and Boer republics. From 1948 to 1994, South Africa was governed under a system of racial segregation. In 1990, President F.W. de Klerk began dismantling the segregation laws, leading to the first multiracial elections in 1994, which resulted in Nelson Mandela becoming the first black president of South Africa. Since that time, there have been many changes, and some racial tensions persist.
It is against that backdrop of South Africa that Hein and Gerda Zentgraf came to a knowledge of Messianic truth, subsequently reaching out a hand of fellowship to all who would hear, regardless of race or political differences. In the interview you will hear tonight, Hein gives his testimony, and answers every question that I sent his way. Did I mention that Hein is a professional musician? Well, he is, and we enjoyed his music here at Tsiyon. We will be sharing some of that with you tonight as well.
Our theme for tonight will be: Out Of South Africa. This is a special presentation we are sharing with you in a timely manner, while the opportunity has presented itself. Join me tonight, September 1, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central, for this unique interview with Hein Zentgraf of Silver Trumpet Radio, South Africa.
Blessings and Shalom,
P.S. Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets) will occur in 2 or 3 days from now. According to Bible time, the sighting of the new moon in Israel will determine the right day. We will be watching, and will send you a notice in your email. Keep an eye on your email for the next few days, so you can enjoy our special Yom Teruah presentation with us.
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