Tsiyon News: Bought and Paid For

Published July 13, 2024 by

From Eliyahu

Righteous government. The very thought of it seems like some sort of unattainable dream. Particularly right now, when the exposure of the failed cognitive condition of Joe Biden has revealed that the American people have been lied to for months, if not years, in an unprecedented cover-up of the truth regarding the true nature of the American government. It is now obvious that some other invisible power structure has been running America. For how long? Who are these unelected overlords? What is their true agenda? What have they done to America? It now should be self-evident to all that a soft coup has replaced government of-by-and-for the people that is the very definition of America-as-founded. Whatever this country is right now, it is not America. America has fallen. We don’t even know for sure who exactly is running the country, or how…Read More…

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